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Thursday, March 7, 2024

The Prey Nup Mangroves, a Ramsar Site?

Long overdue, but here an update of the activities related to the Prey Nup Mangroves.

I attended the 3rd International Fishing Cat Symposium in Siem Reap in October and Jos & me went with a group of attendees on a tour of the wetlands in Cambdodia that have already been recognized as Ramsar Sites, which means they are wetlands of international importance as waterfowl habitat.

The 3rd International Fishing Cat Symposium, organized by Vanessa and her team of the CFEE ( showcased the conservation and protection efforts in countries from Pakistan in the West to The Philippines in the East. The presentation of the disappearance of the Fishing Cat from Indonesia made everyone aware of the importance of their efforts to secure the survival of the Fishing Cat. 

The Minister of Environment, H.E. Dr. Eng Sophallet expressed his support to the protection of the Fishing Cat in Cambodia to the delegation from the FC Symposium and will support efforts to get Ramsar Site certification for the Prey Nup Mangroves at the mouth of the Kampong Smatj river, which will give some more protection to these mangroves that are of regional importance (R. Timmins PNM survey report 2008).

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