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Wednesday, November 16, 2022

And the news is getting even better!

There is a Fishing Cat (Prionailurus viverrinus) living in the Prey Nup Mangrove area.

This photo with a camera trap is the definite proof of the presence in the PNM area of this endangered species. Thanks to Jos Stiers and the Cambodian Fishing Cat Project.
Until today the number of reports of fishing cats in the SW of Cambodia can be counted on one hand.
The presence in the PNM of a fishing cat, together with the otter family of seven reported in last post, proves the importance of the PNM area for species that seek living space, far enough from humans to thrive. 

Rob Timmins in the report of his  2008 survey of the coastal area of Cambodia stressed already the importance of the PNM area for the mangrove flora and fauna of Cambodia and he mentions that in his opinion the PNM are of importance for the wider region. 
With these last two reports he proves to be very right, and we are super happy to add these two species to the list of mammals of the PNM area.

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