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Saturday, May 28, 2022

Are there otters in the Prey Nup Mangroves?

After a very, very long break this blog will be blown life into again as there are new activities regarding the protection of the Prey Nup Mangroves.

With the University of Phnom Penh we have started a regular setting of camera traps to check what is happening in the PNM at night. A recent sighting of a group of otters (reported by locals) was the trigger.

Until now there have not been lucky with the camera traps regarding otters. 

Jos could make a photo of the footprints of an otter, as judged by Vanessa, so that is proof of at least one otter moving around in the PNM:

In the past I have seen otters on four occasions (one time a couple and three times a single otter) and could make a photo on two occasions.  

The first was in 2009 on the 14th of June:

The second photo, taken in 2010 on the 29th of July:

As soon as there is news on the camera traps, this will be posted.

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